Protestation de masse au Japon contre la militarisation

Le 15 juillet, des dizaines de milliers de personnes (jusqu’à 60.000 selon l’AFP) ont manifesté devant le parlement à Tokyo contre le projet de réformer la constitution afin de permettre l’envoi de troupes japonaises à l’étranger. De nouvelles manifestations sont prévues dès le 17 juillet (page facebook)

A protester holds a placard during a rally against Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration and his security-related legislation in front of the parliament building in Tokyo July 15, 2015.   REUTERS/Issei KatoMan holds placard during anti-government rally in front of parliament in Tokyo

People shout slogans during a rally against Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration and his security-related legislation in front of the parliament building in Tokyo July 15, 2015.   REUTERS/Thomas PeterPeople hold placards during anti-government rally in front of parliament in TokyoPeople hold placards during anti-government rally in front of parliament in Tokyojap7Protesters raise their fists as they shout slogans during a rally against Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration and his security-related legislation in front of the parliament building in Tokyojap8jap11

A noter, ce qui est rare au Japon, que des députés de l’opposition ont manifesté contre ce projet de réforme constitutionnelle au sein même du parlement :

Yasukazu Hamada (2nd R), chairman of the Upper House Special Committee on on Security, shouts as he is surrounded by opposition lawmakers during a vote on on the security-related legislation at the parliament in Tokyo July 15, 2015.  REUTERS/Toru HanaiYasukazu Hamada (top, 2nd R), chairman of the Upper House Special Committee on Security, is surrounded by opposition lawmakers brandishing signs that read "Abe politics is unforgivable" and "Against ramming bills through" during a vote on security-related legislation at the parliament in Tokyo July 15, 2015. REUTERS/Toru Hanai

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